I had a big letter to write about what I learned about a great change of heart but not sure I have time now. I’m good though this week was great. On Saturday we went to Oxapampa and had a Zone conference there. It was good we talked about convenios and the convenios we made as missionaries. Afterwards we went to the best restaurant in the mission called Italo’s. And we atesome super good BQQ cooked meat, and I felt well enough to eat it. I sent a picture of me with Elder Christensen, my zone leader, who is going home this transfer. He is the exact middle child of 15 kids. Pretty crazy. Super good friend.
The work is going well. We are working hard. But I am out of time. Next week I think I am going to write my email out before, so I can say everything I want to like the days. Hey send me some pictures of everything. You guys. Gma. The house. Camron. Chloe. Marc. Anna. Brody.
Love you all! We had the first counselor to our mission pres. come down to Villa Rica this week. He talked about a celestial marriage because a lot of families are having problems in my ward. Made me so thankful for my family! Love you guys.
Elder Walker